Mhm... An Intellectual Review...
If this wasn't the Internet, I'd tell you to STFU and go somewhere else with it, but you are entitled to your opinion, and if you hate Egoraptor, so be it. Although I'll leave you with a saying...
" 'Tis better to stay silent and merely look an idiot then to open your mouth and confirm it for all the world to see."
In other words, take your cracks at Ego all you want, it's not making his stuff any less funny to any of us, and it's not making you look any smarter. In fact, all it's really doing is making you look like an idiot who can't comprehend the fact that we like blatantly abusive and utterly retarded parodies of our favourite video games, simply because they're what they are. Hyper Aggressive, fast paced, cuss ridden, violence strewn, rofltacular fantasies that take us through a trip of what we all really think of the game anyway.
Sorry you don't find it funny... if you actually HAD a sense of humor, you might see it from our perspective.
As for the obligatory CC, clean up your animation, get a better mic, and please, for the sake of Newgrounds, give up the beef. If this starts another flash war like Piconjo and LF, I'm going to be seriously disappointed in those involved.